My 'Product prototyping with Heroku' talk at nor(DEV):con 2014

27/11/2013, Less than a 1 minute read.

I will be speaking at next years (2014) nor(DEV):con (Norfolk Developers Agile and tech conference).

The title of my talk is: “Product Prototyping with Heroku - The Validated Ship!”.

I have provided a synopsis of the talk over on the nor(DEV):con website, but for convenience i’ll provide the details here too…

Pete has spent the last 7 years working for web agencies and has come to the conclusion that one of the cheapest, most productive ways to develop a new project is through prototyping. Prototyping provides quick validation of our assumptions (we’ve all made them) and aids the creation of meaningful products that your customers actually want!

We’re blessed as developers; there are more tools to help us prototype than we can shake a mucky stick at: backend frameworks, frontend frameworks and new plugins blogged about everyday. However, there is one tool Pete won’t deploy without: Heroku - a cloud based hosting platform. Heroku allows Pete and the Beta Hive team to turn local hacks into live, functioning products with little to no effort.

This talk will document the Beta Hive prototyping process, how they validate their assumptions and most importantly how they deploy their products.

The event will take place at The King’s Centre, Norwich. Tickets can be bought via Eventbrite and will be well worth the asking price of £50-£75.

I will also be attending the Conference Dinner for anyone who’d like to chat after the event - please come and say hello!